I am super-proud to be in coalition with ‘A Queer Collision’ at Brighton Festival 19th/20th May. I’ve worked with queer artist- activist Stuart Waters on a new film photographing his community cast. This is an out-take of MB who runs Yoga in the Lanes in Brighton,the wings are by jewellery artist John Moore.
Here is a screengrab from a new video design for Magnetic North Theatre’s We Can Hear The Angels. The work premiered at The Frutimarket Warehouse in Edinburgh in January 2023 and will return to Edinburgh in the autumn . You can see more here
I’ve loved making A House For New England documentary growing out of a regeneration project exploring Brighton’s New England House and a community of creative businesses. It’s one of three self-shooter projects from 2022. You can read about it here
Working with Scarabeus Aerial Dance Theatre as a video designer for a commission by The Lowry in Salford was pretty amazing. The show was called Entangled, above is an image from the video design and you can read more about the show here
In late 2022 I was awarded an Arts Council England grant to being exploring large scale projection. Here’s a still by Moose Azim of Makiko Aoyama from a test day. I was jammy enough to get mentoring from image manipulation expert Stuart Smith who has created designs for Ariana Grande, Coldplay, The Killers and many other rock bands. Loved this insight into a new way of thinking
I have a new project: New England 21. You can see more from it here
I've been invited by Gravity and Levity to teach a weekend intensive exploring ways of filming aerial dance.Really pleased to be working alongside Mark Morreau and here are the deets https://www.gravity-levity.net/events/practical-ad4c-intensive/ Also, do check out my sometime collaborator’s Becky Edmunds online course https://www.gravity-levity.net/events/moving-body-moving-image/
Edits Film from 2015 is being shown at the Bristol Old Vic in a curation by Impermanence. The performances by Lea Anderson’s Featherstonehaughs still thrill me today.
March 2021: Studio Lightmoves is a new venture by Lightmoves Screendance Festival in Limerick. Recently I was honoured to be on the panel for awarding artists with a residency at the festival
Jan 2021: Here’s a trailer for Dancing with the birds, made in lockdown#1 and commissioned by Brighton’s legendary 3ScoreDance, you can read about it here
Stoked to shout out about Glitch/Giselle. The first project in a new venture with producer Alex Morrison, artist-designer Grant Cieciura and software developer Emily Oliver.
Glitch projects www.gl-tch.org
I really enjoyed working with archival footage of a polar exploration for a micro commission from theatre company Magnetic North
I made the films for composer Matthew Whiteside’s Quartet No 4 for a 7m screen and a live string quartet. They now have another life as part Matthew’s album Entangled
Been spending a lot of time photographing New England House,this is me being very spooked indeed.
November: Entangled won the Lightmoves 2018 Award for Innovative Use of Sound and will be showing in the Dublin Dance Festival May 13th 2019
July:Grockledance and Passing Strange and Wonderful being shown in Valencia in October, I will also be talking about the evolution of my collaboration with editor Ian Ballantyne.
June: Re cut and added content to Entangled, still fascinated by imaging quantum entanglement as a choreography.
April: I'm presenting on 360° video at Screendance Landscapes in Venice.
February: Here's a still from Entangled and it's from Movement Three. All three films were made from a 45s archive footage of a couple in 1908 performing an apache dance.
January: great being at The Marlborough Brighton chairing a post performance talk with the fabulous ATOM-r from Chicago, their mixed reality work continues to lead the field and it was great seeing them again.
January: It's 2018 and straight into the year making a new film for Matthew Whiteside's String Quartet 'Entangled' commissioned by the Northern Ireland Science Festival, 15th February in Belfast.
stills from the #waamos storyboard
December: 360º film and sound installation at Summerhall in Edinburgh
November: I'm delivering a Try360°workshop at the invitation of Brighton Dance Network on 12 November, we will be exploring the bodies in VR360 space.
August 2017: studio research begins on We are all made of stars, 360 camera bought, pulsars identified by Matthew Whiteside and more updates to follow here and on Twitter @network_spin
July: Giving a paper on the theoretical background that is shaping We are all made of stars at University of Chichester's research conference.
June: I'm going to be working on our Spin Network commission with DP Philip Robertson and actor and aerialist Milton Lopes to explore VR, performance and arial dance in Glasgow on We are all made of stars (WAAMOS)
Composer Matthew Whiteside and I have finally decided on a name for our work together and it's Spin Network follow @network_spin for updates.
May 2017: Arts Council England have funded the development of We are all made of stars, an AR installation commissioned by Magnetic North.
April 2017: Delighted to announce that I'm now a Reader in Choreography and Digital Technologies at University of Chichester, looking forward to finding new ways to explore bodies and screens and share that research.
March 2017: Wave Function developed with Matthew Whiteside was shown at New Music Festival in Bruges
February 2017: I'm at University Wolverhampton on the 21st February where I'm giving a public lecture on what dance-trained screen-artists might bring to cinema.
January 2017: R and D with Matthew Whiteside for our new AV installation and Transmedia project commissioned by Magnetic North, it's called we are all made of stars
November 2016: Great to be at the Lightmoves Symposium in Limerick giving a paper on Eva Szeze's 1968 animation Cosmic Zoom
October 2016:I'm artist in residence at the International Museum of Surgical Science in Chicago. While in here I'm giving at talk on filmmaking and performance at the School of The Arts Insitute of Chicago in the Performance Department. Meanwhile in London Pan's People Papers is being shown at MozFest 16 28th - 30th October.
September 2016: I've been collaborating with composer Matthew Whiteside on a new AV work Wave Function. We're exploring new ways to develop moving image installation, this animation uses material sourced from The Preminger Archive.
The Pan's People Papers website archive is now online, had a great time working in collaboration with Birmingham based designer studio An Endless Supply. The new site includes the full text of the three day online work, a glossary mixing fact and fiction, a contextual essay and new visual material.
July 2016: I was resident at The Lemon Tree in Aberdeen as part of Magnetic North's Rough Mix programme developing a new performance and film project Digiphreniacs.
July 2016: Edits Film is being screened at BALTIC in Newcastle on Saturday 9th July as part of Curious? LGBTQ Arts Festival for the North East.
May 2016: ATOM-r from Chicago have been resident company at University of Chichester as part of an exchange programme.They've been working in mixed reality in developing their new work. In the return leg of the exchange I'll be in Chicago in October 2016.http://atom-r.com/
April 2016:Proud to say that Simon Vincenzi's extraordinary,strange web archive project www.operationinfinity.org features me writing as theatre critic Gideon Mobrois.
February 2016: I'm presenting a paper: The Glamorous Archive at the Digital Echoes symposium at University of Coventry on 4th March. The symposium this year explores participation and I will be speaking about the role of online archives in researching The Pan's People Papers.
January 2016: I'm working at Greenwich Dance Agency with choreographer Lea Anderson and D.P Becky Edmunds.
We are so pleased to be collaborating again with dance artists Kath Duggan(Punchdrunk)Innpang Ooi (Akram Khan)and Cecilia Watts and welcome new cast members Harry Alexander(Michael Clark Company)and Makiko Aoyama (Frauke Requardt)
Image of Kath Duggan and rehearsal still by Becky Edmunds
June: I'm re-cutting Entangled for the release of Matthew Whiteside's visual album and concerts in 2019, good news but imaging quantum physics is no easier second time round.